07 August, 2007

Comment on Increasing the Size of the Supreme Court

Historian and author Jean Edward Smith, in a recent op ed article in The New York Times, suggested that, “the Democrats could increase the size of [the Supreme] Court to protect liberal values if they win the presidency and Congress in 2008.” His suggestion was thereafter reviled in the letters to the editor column of the Times. Dean Lawrence R. Velvel of the Massachusetts School of Law, in a recent post on http://www.velvelonnationalaffairs.com/, takes strong issue with the letters that blasted Smith. Those letters, said Velvel, “represent[s] historically uninformed, antichange, pro status quo conventional wisdom, an ideological genre that is all too common in this country and is used in nearly every political field.”

Read Velvel’s full post and find out more at http://www.velvelonnationalaffairs.com/.

keywords: liberal media, progressive, supreme court

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